3rd Annual Ukraine Action Summit – October 22-24 in Washington, D.C.
Community advocacy event organized by the American Coalition for Ukraine to bring together over 500 participants to meet legislators and attend advocacy trainings
Media event on Tuesday, October 24th at 8:30 am featuring Representatives Doug Lamborn, Mike Quigley and Daniel Goldman

About the Summit
Razom, as a member of the American Coalition for Ukraine, will take part in the Fall 2023 Ukraine Action Summit on October 22-24, 2023 in Washington, D.C. The second event of its kind this year, the Ukraine Action Summit consists of Congressional meetings, advocacy workshops, and panel discussion for constituents and organizations from the Ukrainian American community and beyond. At Congressional meetings, advocates will urge elected officials to provide critical continued support for Ukraine in response to the Russian full-scale invasion. Razom is a founding member of the Coalition, which was formed in August 2022.
An all-participant kick off, featuring remarks from Representatives Doug Lamborn and Mike Quigley, will take place on Tuesday, October 24th 8:30am, at the South Panel of the West Front Grassy Area in front of the US Congress building, north of the United States Botanical Gardens.
This year’s Summit will feature over 500 participants from across the country in attendance, from 36 states, representing 97 partner organizations in the American Coalition for Ukraine. Advocates will join 150+ meetings with members of the U.S. House and Senate; a powerful show of pro-Ukrainian unity across the country. This fall’s Summit will include over 100 additional advocates compared to the April 2023 Summit, demonstrating the growth of pro-Ukraine advocacy as the war continues.
Summit participants will be advocating for measures and resolutions to help Ukraine continue to prevail against Russian aggression, including for urgent supplemental funding for Ukraine, expedited long-range weapons deliveries, and for bills to transfer Russian state assets held in the U.S. to Ukraine (REPO Act) and resolutions recognizing Ukraine’s invasion as a genocide (H.Res. 154/S.Res. 72) and condeming Russia’s illegal deportation of Ukraine’s children (H.Res. 149/S. Res.158). Congressional meetings will take place on Monday, October 23rd and Tuesday, October 24th.

Statement from Razom

Razom extends our deepest sympathies to the victims of the recent attacks in Israel and all Palestinians suffering in its wake. As an organization that has been working intensely with victims of war, terrorism and violence since February of 2022, Razom condemns the deliberate targeting of civilians and stands in solidarity with all who suffer at the hands of terrorists. We stand on the side of humanity.
We urge the global community to come together and combat unlawful violence and ensure that those who are responsible for such heinous acts are held accountable.
We also call on the global community to continue supporting a free and prosperous Ukraine and recognize that Russia’s actions against Ukraine and its people violate international law and human rights. We call on the international community to take necessary actions to hold those responsible accountable.
New Poll for Razom/Change Research: Americans Want the US to Stand Up to Russia

Razom Advocacy has released the results of a poll measuring Americans’ attitudes about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the role of the United States in the world, conducted by Change Research this past August. The survey was conducted online between August 10-17, polling 4,190 voters across the country.
The poll found that support for Ukraine among Americans endures, with a majority wanting the U.S. to continue to support Ukraine militarily, until the situation has stabilized and Russia leaves Ukrainian territory entirely. More broadly, the poll found that Americans strongly believe America should stand up for vulnerable, bullied people around the world whose freedom is at risk.
Key Takeaways

Do you support or oppose America continuing military support for Ukraine in next year’s federal budget?
Americans strongly value freedom and believe that America should stand up for vulnerable people whose freedom is at risk. Large majorities agree that countries that bully others will do more damage if they aren’t stopped (83%), that everyone has the right to live in freedom and the U.S. should stand up for that right (83%), and that the U.S. should stand up for vulnerable people and their human rights whenever possible (81%).

Support for policies (% Support)
A majority of Americans want to see Ukraine victorious. 63% support American continuing military support for Ukraine in next year’s federal budget. The majority (59%) of Americans believe we should end financial military support to Ukraine only when the situation has become stable and Russia leaves all Ukrainian territory.
Majorities of voters support American aid to Ukraine so far and are more likely to vote for a candidate who articulates this vision over someone opposed to American aid. When presented with information about the breadth of Ukraine’s achievements in the war, the agreement rate among respondents increases on the question of if American support for Ukraine has been worth it so far.

Support for Statements About Russia’s War in Ukraine (% Agree)
Americans have strong negative feelings about Putin and Russia. 68% recognize that Russia’s actions are genocidal. 63% agree that “we need to defeat (Putin) now.”
Less than 20% of Americans want Ukraine to settle the war now and cede territory to Russia. Voters also oppose setting arbitrary dates for withdrawal of American aid.
Most Americans’ support for Ukraine increases (across parties) when they hear that “winning” is the goal. Although the U.S. has not stated victory as the goal, Americans would prefer to see that the U.S. wants Ukraine to prevail against the invasion and not just to seek a stronger negotiating position.

Support for Statements About Russia’s War in Ukraine (% Agree)
Razom Advocacy is a branch of Razom for Ukraine committed to advancing policy for Ukrainian victory, and to nurturing community engagement across the United States and Ukraine. For more information or with questions, email advocacyteam@razomforukraine.org. This survey is part of a larger research project into public opinion on Russia’s War in Ukraine funded by the Open Society Foundation.
Razom For Ukraine Announces New Advocacy Advisory Board

Sept. 6, 2023
Nana Gongadze, Head of Advocacy Communications
Razom For Ukraine Announces New Advocacy Advisory Board
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Razom Advocacy, a program of Razom for Ukraine committed to advancing Ukrainian victory, announces the formation of a new advisory board. Composed of experienced leaders, the advisory board will guide the Razom Advocacy team as it seeks to ensure that Ukraine receives the tools it needs for a swift victory.
“Bipartisan American support for Ukraine is a hallmark of US foreign policy and will remain so. Razom for Ukraine is fully committed to ensuring that Ukraine gets all of the resources it needs to defend itself. We are grateful to the top policymakers, experts, and executives who have joined Razom Advocracy’s advisory board,” said Mariya Soroka, Vice President for Advocacy at Razom for Ukraine.
Established in the United States in 2014, Razom strives to create a more democratic and prosperous Ukraine. Razom Advocacy was created in March 2022 as part of Razom’s response to Russia’s full-scale invasion. Since then, Razom has raised more than $100 million for emergency relief and psychological assistance to Ukrainian civilians, supplies and generators for medical facilities, tactical medicine and communications gear for the armed forces, and support for Ukrainian cultural projects.
The Razom Advocacy Advisory Board includes the following members:
Dr. Anders Åslund, Senior Fellow at the Stockholm Free World Forum for Global Affairs
Ambassador Paula Dobriansky, Former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs
Archbishop Borys Gudziak, Metropolitan-Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia
Victor J. Herlinsky, Jr., Attorney, Sills, Cummis & Gross
Yevhen Hlibovytsky, Partner, Pro.Mova Consulting
Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges (ret.), Former Commanding General, U.S. Army Europe
The Honorable Tom Malinowski, Former Representative for New Jersey’s 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives
Oleksandra Matviichuk, Head, Center for Civil Liberties & 2022 Nobel Laureate
Nate Mook, Former CEO, World Central Kitchen
Nataliya Popovych, Founder & President, One Philosophy & WeAreUkraine
Christina Walsh, Senior Director of Activism and Coalitions, Institute for Justice
Diane Zeleny, Head of External Affairs, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
For media inquiries or other questions, Nana Gongadze at nana.gongadze@razomforukraine.org. Razom (“together” in Ukrainian) is a U.S.-based nonprofit dedicated to helping build a more democratic and prosperous Ukraine. More information is available at RazomForUkraine.org.
Info Sheet: Russia’s Forced Deportation of Ukrainian Children
Statement on NATO Summit and Proposed Amendment to Ban the Transfer of Cluster Munitions
On July 11-12, allies will meet in Vilnius, Lithuania for the NATO Summit and the status of Ukraine’s accession into NATO will be the top topic. We are asking the United States and our allies to support a clear roadmap of Ukraine into NATO – and invite you to join us for our #UkraineInNATO campaign.
– In 2008, NATO did not accept Ukraine and Georgia (Bucharest Summit Declaration). Since the Russian full-scale invasion, Finland has been accepted and Sweden applied for membership, resuming the conversation about including Ukraine.
– Many NATO members have expressed their willingness to accept Ukraine (Baltic states, UK, France, Poland) – the United States, which has not been clear about their support of an invitation for Ukraine, should join them. The decision about Ukrainian membership is contingent on the Biden Administration’s decision.
Read more:
- Ukraine Needs a Roadmap to NATO Membership ASAP – what exact steps NATO should take at the Summit next week.
- Why Ukraine should get an invitation to NATO – a breakdown addressing the main counterarguments to #UkraineInNATO

Join our campaign to broaden the support for Ukraine’s invitation into NATO by posting your message of support on social media with the hashtag #UkraineInNATO. Take your own photo – or use our graphics! Find an extended selection, free for download, here.

Need more ideas for content – or want to dig deeper into some of the reasons why NATO should admit Ukraine? Check out 7 Reasons Why Ukraine Should Receive NATO Invitation at Vilnius NATO Summit:
1. It’s cheaper to stop Russia in Ukraine than in Western Europe, and Ukraine’s eventual NATO membership is the only ironclad way to stop Russia in Ukraine.
2. Ukraine has proven that its rightful place is in NATO and is making great strides toward interoperability. It’s a democratic country making concrete efforts to curb corruption and conduct oversight with a world-class military, and an invitation to join would ensure the final steps for Ukraine meeting or exceeding NATO standards. Further reading: Just Security
3. NATO will be stronger with Ukraine as a member—Ukraine has the most experienced modern army in Europe. It has already shown it can be interoperable with NATO equipment, and NATO has much to learn from Ukraine’s 16 months of combat experience. Further reading: Newsweek, The New York Times
4. Best deterrent of future wars. Don’t repeat past mistakes—keeping Ukraine and Georgia out of NATO in 2008 allowed Russia to invade both. NATO membership is the best guarantee against future wars. Further reading: POLITICO
5. Don’t be late to the game! The consensus among NATO Allies is already building for Ukraine to join. France, the UK, the Baltic states, and Poland all are in favor of Ukrainian membership. Just like with weapons systems, consensus will only continue to build for membership for Ukraine.Further reading: Le Monde
6. NATO membership is the best way to bring stability to Ukraine and Europe. Ukraine needs weapons to win the war now, but the Alliance is what can bring lasting peace after Ukraine wins.Further reading: Washington Post
7. No more Bucharests. NATO already committed that Ukraine could join—now is the time to tell Ukraine when it can join. No one expects instant membership, but if Vilnius brings no specifics on when accession can happen, it will be Bucharest 2.0 and embolden the Russians. Further reading: Foreign Policy,Just Security
Keep up with the latest from Razom Advocacy by following us on Twitter @razomforukraine.

Razom Advocacy Key Messages and Target Legislation, Week of 6/22/23
As part of Razom Advocacy’s ongoing work advocating for policies that will help Ukraine achieve swift victory, we have created a weekly series of key messages/talking points and list of target legislation to help align nationwide advocacy efforts. Hover over the PDF to navigate to pages 2 & 3. Please feel free to download and distribute. Keep up with the latest on Razom’s advocacy work by following us on Twitter @razomforukraine.