The first CheerUp packages were delivered to our amazing Ukrainian community on Friday! Together we brought a few of much-needed smiles to Brooklyn and Staten Island.
Families who faced COVID-19, people who lost their jobs and those who got stuck in quarantine alone and away from families were among the first recipients and we were extremely happy to cheer them up in these challenging times. They chose to remain unnamed, but were deeply grateful to know that our Ukrainian community thinks of them and supports in this kind way.
Our first packages came from much-loved Veselka :: Beceлкa. We plan to order next meals, and thus support our Ukrainian businesses, from Streecha and add some cheer from Baczynsky.
Huge thanks to everyone who donated to support our Ukrainian community! We are also very grateful to our first delivery volunteers Oksana Falenchuk and Mariya Soroka!
And if you know of someone who needs some extra CheerUp these days – don’t hesitate and fill up the form: