Together with partners, volunteers and kind people from all over the U.S. Razom volunteers raised and delivered over $45,000 of supplies to health care workers who are fighting against the pandemic on the frontlines in Ukraine.
Since the early days of the pandemic in March 2020, Razom volunteers joined the coordination center established by the Kyiv-based charitable foundation “Patients of Ukraine” to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and to support health care professionals in Ukraine.
By working side-by-side with volunteers around the globe, we were able to identify needs, source materials, raise funds, and deliver the supplies quickly and efficiently.
Fundraising campaigns launched by Razom and by partner organizations have raised $43,556 contributions to the coordination center that procured and distributed personal protective equipment to health care facilities all over Ukraine.
This amount represents almost 20% of the total donations raised by the “Patients of Ukraine” coordination center. Thanks to this assistance, health care workers fighting against COVID-19 in Ukraine received 1,588 protective suits, 10,652 respirators, and two oxygen concentrators.
Razom allocated an additional $2,000 to support hospitals in Odesa by funding the purchase of an isolating capsule stretcher and two special disinfecting door frames which are designed and manufactured in Ukraine.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing medical professionals all over the world to fight for the lives of others by putting their own in danger. Razom is thankful to our partners, volunteers, and all the people who came together to support health workers in these difficult times. Each donated dollar is extremely valuable to protect health professionals while they are saving their patients during the pandemic,” said Lyuba Shypovych, co-founder and vice president of Razom, who led the project.
The organization is thankful to each donor, volunteer, and partner. Special thanks to fundraiser partners Ukrainians Without Borders and to Support Hospitals in Ukraine.
Razom strives to be ready to act when Ukraine requires special acute attention and support. This is where we started. In late-2013, during Maidan and the Revolution of Dignity, volunteers came together to show their support to Ukrainian people fighting for a better future.
Razom Emergency Response projects are designed for a rapid response to meet unexpected needs quickly, to bring together volunteers and donors, to deliver solutions. Once the immediate needs are met, and once lasting solutions are in place, we wind down the activity. We are glad to see that many hospitals in Ukraine now have the supplies they need and we are closing this project to focus our resources on other initiatives.
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