Annual Conference 27-30 June 2024 Re(kn)own: Region(s) from Within

Annual Conference 27-30 June 2024 Re(kn)own: Region(s) from Within


June 27, 2024 - June 30, 2024    
All Day


27-30 June 2024


The RUTA Association for Central, South-Eastern, Eastern European, Baltic, Caucasus, Central and Northern Asia Studies in Global Conversation invites proposals for research paper presentations, panels, roundtable discussions, and other forms of knowledge exchange for its inaugural conference, to be held in the Carpathian Mountains, Ukraine, 27–30 June 2024.

In response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and as part of the reckoning with its horrific violence, new connections of solidarity and knowledge exchange have emerged. RUTA’s annual conference aims to build on this historical moment and to uphold the emerging debates, inquiries, and collaborations.

With an aim to develop these rich debates across disciplines, RUTA recognises that it is inadequate to use a single unifying label (whether ‘post-Soviet’, ‘post-communist’, ‘post-socialist’, ‘Eurasia’, ‘New East’, ‘Global East’ among others) when addressing this sociohistorically and demographically diverse and dynamic space. Thus, we refer to the ever-changing area shaped by imperial, colonial, and national violences as well as solidarity, transnational ties, and cultural exchanges as the region(s).

The founding of RUTA and its inaugural conference aims to transform the region(s) from an object of study to an active and visible epistemic agent. This year’s conference is entitled Re(kn)own: Region(s) from Within. ​​The event strives to reclaim the process of knowledge-making in and about the region(s) and place the region(s) at the centre of epistemic debates.

Learn more: HERE