In over a month of victory and loss in Ukraine, Razom volunteers have worked tirelessly to find the most effective ways to deliver humanitarian aid that is most urgently needed to save lives. To build a more prosperous, free, democratic Ukraine, we need to stop the bleeding. Tactical medicine and tactical medical supplies are just one side of the equation – they help save lives in the field and in extreme situations. However, given the strain on the healthcare system in Ukraine due to the war and the covid pandemic, delivering basic medicines, medical devices, and hospital supplies have the power to impact lives off the field.

Razom Health Team has built relationships with large nonprofit organizations and agencies that aggregate hospital supplies, with global health and major disaster relief organizations, and with several hospitals, to collect in-kind donations. The partnerships with these giant donation entities allow Razom to maintain steady activity in shipping and distributing hospital medicines and supplies to people in many regions across Ukraine who need it most. Those partners include:
Patients of Ukraine (Пацієнти України) and Zdorovi are our partners on the ground helping to distribute the aid in the hands of the right end user. Through them, we have access to five warehouses across three different cities in Ukraine to be able to reliably distribute aid to hospitals in need.
Below is an overview of the $1.5M+ in estimated value of in-kind donations made to Razom, facilitated by our Razom Health Team:
- Razom shipped 26 pallets of medical supplies via Partners For World Health in-kind donation.
- Razom shipped 1 sea container of medical supplies via MedShare in-kind donation.
- Razom delivered three shipments of medications via Americares in-kind donation totaling 8 pallets.
- Razom shipped 21 pallets of new hospital scrubs to military hospitals in Ukraine to boost morale of the overworked medical professionals via FIGS in-kind donation.
- We’ve also coordinated in-kind donations from hospitals and individual medical professionals that have collectively included:
- 8 pallets of medical hospital supplies from UMass Memorial Medical Center
- 1 wound vac and 5 boxes of surgical / central line catheters from private donations
- 6 boxes of surgical supplies from Rhode Island Doctors donated to our tactical medicine efforts
- Our donors have purchased 6,850 items off of our Amazon Wishlist, valuing over $180,000 of in-kind donations. There are still 9,543 items remaining on that list, including the most urgently needed humanitarian and medical supplies that we’re delivering to Ukraine. Go here to make an in-kind donation to Razom.
- Help Heroes of Ukraine, a charity organization based out of Chicago has been a major transportation partner for us, volunteering to deliver many pallets of aid on our behalf to our Meest warehouse in New Jersey.

A special partnership thus far has been with MedGlobal, a humanitarian and health NGO working to serve vulnerable communities around the world by providing innovative, free, and sustainable healthcare. Together with the Ministry of Health in Ukraine, MedGlobal and Razom conducted the first of several successful medical missions bringing a team of 7 trauma surgeons to provide over 40 hours of trainings for an estimated total of 350 Ukrainian physicians in Lviv, Ukraine on poly trauma surgical procedures/ diagnostics/ surgeries, on operating portable butterfly ultrasounds (donated by MedGlobal), and educating doctors on how to prepare and act in case of chemical warfare. These volunteering doctors were coming from Newark, NJ, Chicago, IL, Nashville, TN, and two from Paris, France.

The MedGlobal group also brought along with them 37 suitcases of medical supplies (over two missions) and 14 portable butterfly ultrasounds, estimating $700,000 in value, to hospitals across Ukraine post-training. The butterfly ultrasounds are especially powerful in democratizing access to medical imaging in resource constrained zones. A total of 10,000 patients may benefit from just one of these missions!
Razom also helped facilitate MedGlobal’s meeting with over 50 medical students in Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University and over a dozen medical leaders and heads of hospitals in Lviv.
We are so grateful to be building long-term relationships with these organizations as they are key to Razom being able to respond quickly and at scale to the needs in Ukraine. There’s good reason we named ourselves Razom, which means “together” in Ukrainian.