KAZKA fundraiser for Razom Ticket

Right before their first concert in NYC, the Ukrainian band KAZKA generously dedicated the night of May 30th to help us raise funds for the Razom Ticket – the project which aims to increase engagement in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines among Ukrainian children. Many Ukrainian New-Yorkers came to enjoy the Cocktails with KAZKA.



The beautiful night of Cocktails with KAZKA started with a presentation of Razom and Razom Ticket to all the guests.


“The goal of tonight’s event is to raise additional funds for the project to have a possibility to support and cover more Olympiads in Ukraine – not only physics and astronomy, but also chemistry and other disciplines” – explained Lyuba Shipovich, Razom Vice President and a co-founder of Razom Ticket.


It was a wonderful discussion night with exciting questions from the curious audience. The band was open in their responses: a warm conversation filled with sincerity and directness. We all learned some new information about KAZKA, for example:


  • There is a team of 20 people behind the band – helping to write and produce songs.
  • The band is certain that it’s in style to sing in Ukrainian, but for Sasha – she has always leaned that way, although they sing in English as well. But by using Dima’s instruments they always want for people to hear how Ukrainian music sounds.
  • For that, Dima has and uses more than 50 musical instruments.
  • They are working on a new album now which will come out next March.


We thank everyone who joined, donated to the cause and made this event so much fun! We are happy to report that we raised a substantial amount to support children studying sciences in Ukraine (including about $2500 from the event tickets, and some more from the raffle and other donations during the event). Additionally, KAZKA band generously donated $1000 to the project directly.


Read more in the article in Ukrainian about the event published on UkrInform by Gosha Tykhyi.


Big thanks for the photos to our amazing photographers Ask Alex, Bogdan Grytsiv and Nestor Muzychka.


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