Making Connections

One of Razom’s missions is to amply voices from Ukraine and make and forge connections with people on the ground. So when folks come to us looking for help in finding someone in Ukraine, we do our best to make connections. Earlier in the 2017 summer, board member Dora Chomiak got an email from someone who was looking for a journalist in Ukraine. She passed this along to volunteer Lydia Tomkiw who contacted her friend Iuliia, a journalist based in Kyiv. Through these connections, over the summer Iuliia traveled to Poland and documented the work the Rotary Club is doing to help children impacted by the war in Ukraine. Iuliia spent time at a summer camp that is aimed at helping children heal and discuss their experiences. Click here to read the story Iuliia produced.


Razom amplifies voices from Ukraine to bring them into conversations around the world. We are all glad that we were able to make this project effective.


Come to an event, introduce yourself and sign up for the Razom newsletter. Make connections to build a prosperous Ukraine.


The photo above shows Iuliia interviewing some of the participants from Ukraine.

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