Meet Hugo, our first RWB fellow!

We are thrilled to welcome Hugo Spaulding as Reformers Without Borders Fellow!


Hugo is joining Odesa team from Washington, D.C., where he has studied the conflict in Donbas at a think tank since 2014. As a RWB Fellow, Hugo will be promoting local small businesses working in sectors like tourism, IT, and alternative energy. His work with local government, businesses, and investors will aim to help Odesa’s economy thrive and empower reform-minded Odesans to effect positive change in the region.


Hugo is a strong believer in Razom’s mission to build a bridge of trust between civil society and local government and knows the success of reforms in Odesa will set the standard for the rest of Ukraine. Hugo will be arriving in Odesa around May 1 to start his adventure with Razom. He will keep his followers and circle of supporters updated with news and photos from Odesa through his public Facebook page:


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