Razom’s commitment to delivering life-saving aid into the right hands in Ukraine is unwavering. In this newsletter you’ll find the latest about that work, as well as about the diverse collection of events happening all over the world to get yourself involved in helping Ukraine.
Dear Razom community,
Your donations coupled with the volunteers who work every single day, including weekends and evenings, to drive impact as fast as humanly possible, make a difference. Remember this, because Ukraine still needs you.
Below is a snapshot of some of the work we’ve been able to accomplish lately, by no means is this an exhaustive list:
- Partners for World Health and Razom Hospitals team applied and received a UPS air shipping grant that was used to ship 42 pallets of medical supplies and equipment that will be received by our on the ground partners in Ukraine, Zdorovi. This shipment included an AED machine, Autoclave, Anesthesia GE Datex Ohmeda Machine, Crash Cart, Portable Ultrasound, and Patient Monitor, amongst other supplies.
- Razom has an unofficial branch in Canada thanks to a group of incredible volunteers. To date, 76 pallets of medical supplies have been shipped from therethat include tourniquets, hermostatic bandages, splints, portable ultrasound machines, and so much more. Big thanks go out to Meditek Canada, Hamilton Health Sciences and a number of private clinics, who made large in-kind donations to Razom.
- MD Luke Tomycz, Neurosurgeon and co-founder of Razom’s The CoPilot Project spearheaded an effort with the Razom Hospitals team to send 2 pallets of critical neurosurgical supplies to Ukraine. We partnered with international NGO CMMB to procure neuro supplies from Integra. We also helped procure epilepsy medication that has been distributed to displaced children from Donestk, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia regions currently in Dnipro.
- Cabinet Health, a company that provides plastic-free packaging for everyday over-the-counter medicines, has generously donated 8 pallets of necessary OTC medications to the Razom Hospitals team. We are grateful for our partnership with Kyiv Alliance and Help Heroes of Ukraine who transported these pallets from Tennessee to New York.
- Razom Hospitals team is also helping to address sexual violence and abuse in Ukraine. In cooperation with Leda Health, we are sending 500 forensic rape kits to support justice for the victims of sexual violence in Ukraine.
- To date, Razom has delivered over 4,000 walkie-talkies, 700 civilian drones, 250 satellite phones, and 200 tablets to territorial defense units, rescuers, paramedics, and volunteers in Ukraine to help deliver humanitarian aid safely and effectively and provide rescue support.

Razom has partnered up with Nova Ukraine and United Help Ukraine to collectively raise $20,000 to purchase 300 Starlink kits and distribute them across Ukraine.
101 cities currently don’t have internet because russian missiles and army have destroyed or severely damaged infrastructure. Ukrainians need stable connectivity to keep a lifeline to their loved ones and manage their daily lives – work remotely, pay bills, receive medical care, etc.
Please do your part in connectivity enablement in Ukraine by contributing to this specific project here.

People around the world continue to be inspired by the perseverance and creativity of brave Ukraine and are coming together to do what they can to help. Below is a roundup of events that fundraise for specific causes for Ukraine or expose you to amazing Ukrainian art and culture.
In New York:
- Tonight and tomorrow (4/29 and 4/30) from 7-9pm, Soapbox Gallery in Brooklyn will run a tribute to Ukrainian music and culture, providing a platform for over 20 artists to react to today’s events from multiple perspectives and provide a fresh look at Ukraine’s musical roots and identity.
- Tonight, 4/29 at 7pm and 9:30pm join us at the documentary film screening of The Will To See, and engage in conversation with filmmaker Bernard-Henri Levy at Quad Cinema benefiting Razom.
- On Saturday, 4/30 at 5pm at the Tribeca Film Center / Tribeca Screening room,the Directors Guild of Ukraine and New York film club Kinovino are organizing the fundraising film screening of Ukrainian documentary Enticing, Sugary, Boundless or Songs and Dances about Death. A Q&A with the film’s director Tania Khodakivska will follow.
- On Saturday, 4/30 from 2pm – 9:15pm The Otto’s Benefit for Ukraine at Otto’s Shrunken Head in NYC will have a lineup of singer songwriters and bands with all proceeds from the concert going to Razom.
- On Saturday, 4/30 from 3:30-7:30pm the Hudson Valley Relief Benefit will feature guest speakers, music, food, and a silent auction. Get you tickets and join Novellas Restaurant in New Paltz, NY to support Razom’s Emergency Response project!
- On Sunday, May 1 at 11am Chobani SoHo Cafe and Razom are collaborating on a fundraising event. Stop by and try some special creations off the menu and help Ukraine.
- On Tuesday, May 3 at 7pm the Church Street School for Music and Art in NYC will host a Concert For Ukraine featuring violinist Nadia Khodakovska and members of CSSMA faculty. All proceeds will go to Razom. To reserve tickets email tobywine@churchstreetschool.org.
- On Saturday, May 7 Gold’s Gym in Poughkeepsie, NY is hosting the 8th Annual Peace and Harmony Invitational with all proceeds benefiting Ukraine.
- On Friday, May 20 and Sunday, May 22 at the Ukrainian Museum, Director and Producer Andrea Odezynska debuts her new feature-length environmental documentary, Return Sasyk to the Sea, which spotlights the destructive legacy Ukraine inherited as a former member of the Soviet Union.
- On Saturday, April 30 at 10-11:30am Pacific time Barnsdall Arts is hosting a Ukrainian Art Workshop via Zoom to learn about Petrykivka painting. All proceeds go to Razom.
- On Saturday, April 30 at 1pm EDT, Weave A Real Peace (WARP) will host Ukrainian textile artists Halyna Shepko (New York), Daryna Alieksieienko (Kyiv), Andriy Pyshkar (Ternopil), and Yaroslava Tkachuk (Lviv) for a discussion about their work within the Ukrainian weaving traditions. Continuing Textile Traditions: Ukraine is a special program (online) to raise relief funds for Razom.
- On May 17 DevOpsDays Ukraine (part of the global DevOpsDays family) is hosting a virtual conference benefiting Razom to to discuss DevOps during crisis, incident, and business continuity management and share Ukrainian DevOps expertise.
In New Jersey: On Sunday, May 1 at 2pm EDT the Ukrainian American Business and Professionals Association and artist Dianna Derhak will host Sunflowers for Ukraine – Paint Sunday Fundraiser with all proceeds going to support the Ukrainian Documentary Film Project about the current war.
In Wisconsin:On Sunday, April 30 from 10am-3pm, DeBerge’s Framing and Gallery in Kenosha, WI will host an open house selling ribbon embroidery art by Slava Buchkovich and t-shirts designed by Annya Knautz, with some of the proceeds benefiting Razom.
In North Carolina: On Sunday, May 1, 7-9pm EDT the Arts Center of Carrboro, NC will host an Evening of Bold Stories to support Ukrainian refugees.
In Michigan: On Friday, May 6from 7-10pm the Ramsdell Regional Center for the Arts in Manistee, MI will be hosting a concert to benefit relief efforts through Razom. More info here.
In Texas: Over the weekend of May 13th, Art of Peace, a group of Houstonians collaborating to help Ukrainian people, is hosting an art exhibition featuring 30 local artists with part of the proceeds benefiting Razom.
In Connecticut: On May 21, a local group of runners in Cheshire, CT are hosting a 5K run/walk in their town to fundraise for Razom. Learn more info on how to join them or contribute to their GoFundMe page go here.
In Copenhagen: On May 5, the Academic Council of Eastern European Studies will host an all-day conference at the University of Copenhagen – Østeuropastudiers Ukrainefestival.

As always, thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter and continue to #StandWithUkraine.
Stay Razom.