Currently, Razom Emergency Response is focused on providing support to Ukraine and to Ukrainian doctors in their fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. We are raising funds to buy and distribute personal protective equipment to doctors in hospitals which are dedicated to battling the disease. Our volunteers are working with several organizations to raise the funds, to source the material, and to distribute the goods responsibly.
We are grateful to work with Nova Ukraine, Ukrainians Without Borders-Ukraí̈ncí bez kordonív, and with Patients of Ukraine (Patsienty Ukrainy).
Because we are working together with these top-notch organizations you can be confident that your donation will go to the front line of this pandemic in Ukraine. We keep paper trails. We take photos. We work with people who are proven volunteers. We connect people.

We continue to respond to the changing needs on the ground. In addition to a fundraiser for Ukraine, we launched a campaign to support Odesa specifically. When volunteers of the Ukrainian Coordinating Center of Odessa contacted Razom volunteers and asked for help in raising money in the US, we set up a campaign on Facebook.
Donate today to provide relief and financial support to Ukraine in the time of need.
Razom volunteers are also translating information about public health into Ukrainian. We have hosted a series of webinars for the Razom and online community to provide information about the virus, as well as certain legal recommendations to those impacted by the quarantine measures.
Some webinars recorded include the following. (Please note that they are in Ukrainian).
Webinar: Лікар-інфекціоніст Львівської обласної лікарні Наталя Смолинець.
Webinar: Волонтерка “Разом” Ірина Кіт, яка зараз в Нью-Йорку на передовій боротьби з вірусом.
To help volunteers help each other, we set up a Facebook group called RazomHelp to provide up-to-date information on the topic.