Kyrylo is a young guy who fell off the sixth floor and broke both legs before the full-scale invasion started. He spent a long time in a hospital but couldn’t afford a costly list of prescribed medications and painkillers. Being completely immobilized and fighting excruciating pain, he needed help to survive the new reality of the treacherous russian war that targets Ukrainian residential areas.
Trying to get assistance, he reached out to various organizations, but nobody believed him. His young age and a request for scheduled drugs labeled him a drug addict. Thankfully, one of the Rescue Now volunteers decided to give him a chance and requested his hospital records and prescriptions, identification information, and photos. After he provided all the paperwork, volunteers visited him in person, and it became apparent – he lives alone and can’t survive on his own. Now he has people supporting him, providing humanitarian aid and much-needed assistance in getting to the doctor’s appointments.
Moreover, Rescue Now offered Kyrylo to join their initiative. He’s already attending online meetings, and everyone says he’s an awesome guy who needed a chance to fight his circumstances. He’s eager to become of service, has already completed the call-center operator training, and will soon join the Rescue Now team as a full-time volunteer.
A family of three – parents 58 and 56 years old, and their 34 years old son – adults who various organizations rejected because they were supposed to be able to fend for themselves. Except their house burned down with all their belongings, they had no savings left, no warm clothes, no food, and they couldn’t find jobs because the war was raging in their city. Rescue Now is the only organization that took them under their wing and helped them survive the hardship.
A lonely old lady who couldn’t move on her own needed a wheelchair and assistance to get home from the hospital. The ambulance refused to help her because they only give rides TO the hospital, not FROM it. It’s hard to imagine the horror she’d be in if it weren’t for volunteers from Rescue Now!
These are only a few of the thousands of stories that Rescue Now deals with daily. They have now evacuated over 17 000 people and even almost 1000 pets! More than 67 000 families received humanitarian aid packages. And while they prioritize assisting people with disabilities, limited mobility, and the elderly, they understand that not every situation is black and white. They refuse the cookie-cutter approach in their volunteer work and try to provide help to everyone who truly needs it during this horrific time.
In early April, they reached out to Razom, asking for assistance evacuating and feeding people. By now, Razom for Ukraine has provided them with five grants totaling $140,000. All funds went towards evacuations (including those for people with special needs) and the formation and delivery of humanitarian aid packages. Rescue Now has proved to be a trusted and invaluable partner in Ukraine’s fight for peace and freedom.
As per Razom Grants Team mandate, our most important goal is to prepare the Ukrainian people for the brutal winter that is just around the corner. Rescue Now team is doing the same. They urgently need funding for the transit evacuation center in Pokrovsk, equipping the evacuation teams with radios, gear, and winter/snow tires. Their top priority is to supply shelters and internally displaced people with generators, heaters, portable stoves, warm clothes, and blankets.
Rescue Now volunteer efforts are indispensable. Thousands of people are alive and safe because of their work and determination. Watch the video to get acquainted with these wonderful people, and don’t forget to spread the word!

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