Razom Relief: Helping Ukrainian Frontiers (Українські Рубежі) Rescue Kharkiv Residents

Kharkiv, a key city in northeastern Ukraine, has been on the front lines since Russia’s invasion in February 2022. Despite these last few weeks of intense fighting and ruthless aerial assaults, the city remains under Ukrainian control. However, as ever, the victims of these last rounds of  fighting were civilians: families have been split apart and left  trapped in the war zone.

There is help on the ground.

Thanks to Razom’s swift response, the local organization Ukrainian Frontiers (Українські Рубежі) received a critical grant through our Relief program. Ukrainian Frontiers has been on the front lines since the emergency began, tirelessly evacuating people from affected areas. Our grant ensured that they can continue these efforts by covering fuel, car repairs, driver salaries, and other essentials needed to safely relocate 350 people.

Despite constant shelling that hinders access to some residents, Ukrainian Frontiers’ well-equipped transportation network and strong working relationship with the military are enabling critical rescues.

Our grantees shared with us many stories from the ground. The evacuees carried the weight of loss and uncertainty. Yet, even in despair, there was strength of spirit. A young girl, clutching a tattered teddy bear, managed a small smile. An old man, his eyes filled with gratitude, insisted on sharing his meager food with others. These are powerful reminders of the potential for human endurance during a crisis.

Beyond Evacuation: A Support Network

Razom’s grant arrived at a pivotal moment, allowing Ukrainian Frontiers to do more than just evacuate residents. They became a vital support network, finding shelter for the displaced, reuniting families torn apart by war. Their work exemplifies how donations to Razom make a real difference on the ground during emergencies.

Things calmed down a bit in June for Ukrainian Frontiers, but the war still remains and they know their work is far from over. As the situation develops, their team is ready to help in other areas. With your continued support through Razom, Ukrainian Frontiers will keep providing hope, saving lives one by one.

How You Can Help

Donate to Razom for Ukraine today and help empower heroes like Ukrainian Frontiers who are delivering hope where it’s needed most.

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